Soft drinks
CARBONATED BEVERAGES Ingredients Used in Preparation of Carbonated Beverage 1. Water It is the main ingredient of carbonated beverage that comprises more than 90% of the total volume. The water which is used in preparation of carbonated beverages must of very high potable standards. Therefore, water pre-treatment is necessary to ensure the high standards of finished beverage such as removal of microscopic and colloidal particles by coagulation, filtration, softening and pH adjustment in the areas where water is of poor quality. Disinfection and chlorination remains the preferred method for the destruction of microorganisms. High level of nitrates in the water could be considered as possible risk for infants. It may also cause corrosion of tin plate and perforations of lacquer lining of cans. De-aeration of water is also required to facilitate subsequent carbonation and filling operations to minimize foaming problems. Water used in...